Launched on May 20, 2001, Cinema One is a 24-hour Filipino movie channel created for lovers of Tagalog movies, with titles ranging from classics to recent blockbusters and award-winning films. Its film inventory covers all genres from romance, drama, comedy, action, horror and fantasy films produced by the country’s top movie outfits. Local productions such as Inside The Cinema with Boy Abunda and the weekly Cinemanews are also shown to cater to viewers’ craving for Philippine showbiz updates and celebrity profiles.
The channel started in June 12, 1994 when i-Channel merged with Classic 21 to form Sky 1, which was launched with morning schedules containing public affairs, business and mostly Filipino movies. Seeing audience growth in the movies being shown, in 1998, Sky 1 became Pinoy Blockbuster Channel wherein programming was reformatted to show series of movies produced by local productions. Supported by its large and growing avid viewers, on May 20, 2001 Pinoy Blockbuster Channel became Cinema One, this time showing not only local movies but foreign films as well.