XXX: Exklusibong, Explosibong, Exposé is a Philippine investigative show which premiered on March 4, 2006. The show tackles anomalies and inconsistencies in the Philippines, criticizes the corruption in the Philippine society, from overpriced items to arms smuggling, covering a wide variety of topics that sometimes include Filipino traditions and beliefs.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
XXX: Exklusibong, Explosibong, Exposé - (ABS-CBN 2) 05 December 2011
2:57 AM
XXX: Exklusibong, Explosibong, Exposé is a Philippine investigative show which premiered on March 4, 2006. The show tackles anomalies and inconsistencies in the Philippines, criticizes the corruption in the Philippine society, from overpriced items to arms smuggling, covering a wide variety of topics that sometimes include Filipino traditions and beliefs.