Party Pilipinas is a Philippine music variety show broadcasted by GMA Network, presented by its four main hosts Janno Gibbs, Jaya, Ogie Alcasid, and Regine Velasquez. The show premiered on March 28, 2010 featuring some of the latest and most popular artists who perform on stage replacing the defunct SOP Fully Charged. The show also broadcast internationally through GMA Pinoy TV.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Party Pilipinas - 11 December 2011
4:46 PM
Party Pilipinas is a Philippine music variety show broadcasted by GMA Network, presented by its four main hosts Janno Gibbs, Jaya, Ogie Alcasid, and Regine Velasquez. The show premiered on March 28, 2010 featuring some of the latest and most popular artists who perform on stage replacing the defunct SOP Fully Charged. The show also broadcast internationally through GMA Pinoy TV.