Walang Hanggan (lit. Everlasting) is a Philippine television drama aired by ABS-CBN featuring an ensemble cast. The series is loosely based on the 1991 Gomez-Zulueta film Hihintayin Kita Sa Langit, a film based on the Emily Brontë novel, Wuthering Heights.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Walang Hanggan - 24 January 2012
7:43 PM
Walang Hanggan (lit. Everlasting) is a Philippine television drama aired by ABS-CBN featuring an ensemble cast. The series is loosely based on the 1991 Gomez-Zulueta film Hihintayin Kita Sa Langit, a film based on the Emily Brontë novel, Wuthering Heights.