Budoy is a Philippine drama television series that premiered on ABS-CBN. It tackles the story of Budoy (Gerald Anderson), who is mentally challenged and his family, relationships and social issues. It topbills Gerald Anderson, Jessy Mendiola and Enrique Gil. The theme song was "Saan Darating Ang Umaga" sung by Angeline Quinto produced by Jonathan Manalo
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Budoy - 24 January 2012
7:33 PM
Budoy is a Philippine drama television series that premiered on ABS-CBN. It tackles the story of Budoy (Gerald Anderson), who is mentally challenged and his family, relationships and social issues. It topbills Gerald Anderson, Jessy Mendiola and Enrique Gil. The theme song was "Saan Darating Ang Umaga" sung by Angeline Quinto produced by Jonathan Manalo